Wikipedia vom 27.Juli 2007 für Tome Raider


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  • Hi Erik,

    i began testing the Palm-Version without aliases on T3.
    Time to quote myself ;) :

    First point, all problems with c) are gone.
    Downloading the files without an download manager keeps the
    files intact and the checksum correct. Testing with 2 different download managers every time leads to a corrupt checksum.
    I think, there´s a problem with the software of your webspace provider.
    If other people can confirm my experiences, it would be an idea to
    mention it on your download-site.

    Secondly to a) - as expected - absolutely no performance problem on a T3.
    And speaking for me, i would like to have a version WITH aliases.

    Third point b):
    I´ve tested roundabout 50 cities. All tables are there.
    Pretty good job!!

    Also to mention:
    I recognized now there are "Personendaten" at the end of descriptions for people.

    Wishes for newer versions:
    More use of bold for chapter-headlines and a few more CR/LF between chapters for better readability. Examples for both are the chapters of cities (once more these :) ) and the different chapters in lists of date events (for example "24. März").

    And last but not least: Is it possible to create a database where you can find words with an "Umlaut" at the beginning the same was as others (without regarding upper/lowercase) ?

    Anything more (or newer :) ) to test?

    Best regards
    (and hoping for more versions to come)

  • Evolino:
    > Now there are 2 possibilities:
    > - Faster because there are no aliasses anymore
    > - Faster because it was sorted already during compilation
    > What do you think?

    You're abolutely right. So I prepared another version for test, one without aliasses and without sort during compilation.

    Palm users please compare new WP_DE_PALM_TXT3.tr3 with earlier versions:

    WP_DE_PALM_TXT.tr3 aliasses, no sort

    WP_DE_PALM_TXT2.tr3 no aliasses, sort

    WP_DE_PALM_TXT3.tr3, no aliasses, no sort

    If index lookup on WP_DE_PALM_TXT3.tr3 is slower than on WP_DE_PALM_TXT2.tr3 that would lookup speed is influenced by sort, and leaving out aliasses has no effect on performance.

    All people so far asked to reintroduce aliasses anyway, but it would be good to know that lookup performance does not suffer.

    Besides performance one could also check it the problem with not finding some articles through the index is correlated to sort or no sort.

  • Itsme:

    > Downloading the files without an download manager keeps the
    > files intact and the checksum correct ..
    > it would be an idea to mention it on your download-site.

    Thanks, done.

    > Wishes for newer versions:
    > More use of bold for chapter-headlines and a few more CR/LF between
    > chapters for better readability. Examples for both are the chapters of cities
    > (once more these :) ) and the different chapters in lists of date events
    > (for example "24. März").

    Palm version? PPC version shows lines between headers using css, just like default online Wikipedia skin (monobook). Can you post a screenshot?

    > And last but not least: Is it possible to create a database where you can find > words with an "Umlaut" at the beginning the same was as others (without > regarding upper/lowercase) ?

    TR3 searches index case insensitive (I explicitly asked for this as otherwise half of links would not work). But index lookup apparently is case sensitive.
    Chances that Yadabyte will change this upon request are close to zero.

  • @1 pretty good, thanks.
    @ 2 sure

    24. März, Frankfurt, more on demand

    @3 :-((
    blame not you, but yadabyte

    and one more problem, but without an idea for a solution:
    "Liste der IPA-Zeichen"
    For example - if you have access to an Palm - take an
    look at science-fiction.



  • Toem: es ist ein bißchen schwer, hier mitzuhalten, was die mobipocket-version angeht. postest du das hier oder machst du einen neuen thread auf ?



    Herr Schaaf, wie trainieren Sie Freistöße? Gibt es da auch noch mehr Varianten als "BUMM DRAUF"?
    T. Schaaf (trocken): "BUMM DRIN"!

    Zitat von OWL (zu ´runterfallenden $martphones):

    Man könnte höchstens universell festhalten, daß es entweder hält oder kaputtgeht.

  • Es scheint zumindest bei den Wikipedianern kein Problem mehr zu geben, was die Verwertung des Contents ohne Nennung des Namens und des Logos angeht:
    Das WPMP-Projekt wird sogar auf der Wikipedia-Seite als Variante für unterwegs angepriesen (siehe B@tzes thread)

  • Zitat

    Original von Elch33
    Hat einer schonmal auf seinem Palm wie von Erik vorgeschlagen getestet ?

    Bin zwar ein ungeeigneter Testkandidat, weil alle Versionen auf meinem T3 in guter Performance laufen, habs aber trotzdem mal versucht. Ich GLAUBE die Testversion ist die langsamste. Aber fuer wirklich aussagekraeftige Tests sollte sich mal jemand mit Performanceproblemen der Sache annehmen.

    I THINK the testversion is the slowest.
    For more tests (and for getting an actual version ;) ) i would appreciate a version with aliasses and sort very much.
    And btw can you name some of the articles with index-probs?

  • After I saw the screen shots Itsme provided (thanks) I decided to do some digging. Luckily I could buy an old CLie (T625C) from a colleague, to do tests. Unluckily the device ran into an error with almost everything I did with TR3 for Palm 3.1.10. Even hard resets made no difference. "SystemMgr.c, Line:185, Unimplemented" The error is listed on the web for all kinds of Palm applications, not specifically TomeRaider, so after 20 errors and so many soft and few hard resets I gave up.

    Then I discovered Styletab Palm emulator for Pocket PC, and used this to make some screenshots.

    See this (incomplete) comparison between TR3 PPC and TR3 Palm.

    > More use of bold for chapter-headlines and a few more CR/LF between
    > chapters for better readability.

    Now I know that TR3 for Palm is even less capable than I thought I can make some adjustments.

  • Zitat

    Original von ErikZachte
    After I saw the screen shots Itsme provided (thanks) I decided to do some digging.

    > More use of bold for chapter-headlines and a few more CR/LF between
    > chapters for better readability.

    Now I know that TR3 for Palm is even less capable than I thought I can make some adjustments.

    Hello Erik,

    either we have same working times, or you are at the moment physically in another timezone ;)

    Thanks for digging and as for i am not really sure your emulator does everything the same as an original palm i would like to offer you every screenshot you want via forum or direct pm. Just tell me an the "index keywords" and the way you want to receive.
    And just for interest: Any idea about the problem with the "IPA-Zeichen"?



    PS: PM-Adress on demand privately
    PPS: Your mentioned Clie has PalmOS 4.1, this is REALLY a bit too old
    for less than 4yo software applications. If you want to make tests
    with own hardware it should be at least with PalmOS 5.x (starting
    with Palm Tungsten T)

  • Hallo,

    ich werde keine weiteren Versionen mehr für den Tomeraider erstellen und wohl auch die Versionen von Erik nicht mehr produktiv einsetzen.

    Hintergrund ist v.a. die neue Version für Mobipocket (WPMP, Wikipedia für Mobipocket), die ein viel besseres Schriftbild hat, schneller und v.a. auch viel stabiler ist. Tomeraider hat zig Bugs, legt ab und zu den ganzen Treo lahm und kostet auch noch Geld, ohne daß etwas bei der Entwicklung passiert. Zusätzlich gibt es den Quelltext für die Kompilierung beim Mobipocket und auch zahlreiche Bugs innerhalb der Wikipedia sind nicht da.

    Für die letzten Jahre war TomeRaider eine tolle Sache und evtl. tut sich ja auch mal wieder etwas. Bei Erik möchte ich mich auf jeden Fall für seine Arbeit bedanken, das war wirklich über die Jahre Klasse.


  • I can fully understand the decision of Alexander. Recent digging in the capabilities of TomeRaider for Palm, helped by Itsme, made me very disappointed. Until then I was partially blinded because the same files look good in TomeRaider for Windows.

    Recent findings convinced me that TomeRaider for Palm capabilities are really insufficient, and actually almost give my project a bad name.
    I built my scripts for the TomeRaider version that I know and use, namely Pocket PC. And added support for Palm merely as a service to the community.

    TomeRaider for Palm has hardly progressed in recent years and has very basic functionality. Page rendering is utterly basic. No category search, no image pan and zoom, etc. In fact many Palm users don't know what they miss until they see the Pocket PC version.

    TomeRaider for Pocket PC is a complete other experience, page rendering closely follows the online Wikipedia in all aspects (exception: internal links to page sections). Nearly all html and css is supported, unicode font support, categories, image browser. This huge difference is caused by the lucky choice of delegating all page rendering to the built-in browser engine.

    I will study the Mobipocket project myself. Last time I looked it was still markedly less capable in page rendering and navigation than TR3 for Pocket PC.

  • The big positive point with tr3 is that it is much faster than mobipocket. And your version is damn good!! But without aliases its really hard, especially when you are looking for abreviations :(.

  • I can fully support Erik´s view. The experience of the new TR3-version on a PocketPC is really excellent. I had a chance, recently, to compare it with the palm version of a friend of mine. Actually, no comparison at all !!!

    I would, hence, very much love to get a new German version with aliasses and most preferably with images, which I would order from Erik directly, once he´s prepared it. Erik, do you already can give us a hint, when that may happen. Maybe after the next dump ?

    Best regards
