iusethis.com - Neue Anwendungen für Mac entdecken


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  • Quote

    1. What is iusethis.com?
    iusethis.com is a new way for you to organize your applications as well as discover new ones. You can also use it to check if your apps are up-to-date.

    2. What are the advantages of iusethis.com?
    We believe that iusethis.com uses a much more democratic way to rate apps, by counting the number of users you can define the value of an app to a much higher degree than using ratings.

    3. Why should i register?
    You can store the apps you use on iusethis, so it's easy to download them again if you get a new computer. You will also be able to help others pick the best apps, and we can suggest new apps to you based on your profile..

    So kann´s aussehen: http://osx.iusethis.com/user/krotzebojer

    Aber nur für Apple-User ;)

  • Dankeschön für den Link.
    Super zum Stöbern grad für Umsteiger wie meinereiner!

    Ich wollte ja fast schon sagen in deiner Liste fehlt sowas wie Quicksilver; aber du nutzt ja Launchbar. ;)