nachdem schon ein paar andere Apps durch große "Hilferufe" aus der webOS-Community portiert wurden, frage ich mich: Wieso soll es nicht auch mit einer richtigen "On-Board-offline"-Navisoftware versuche werden? Ich habe mal Navigon angemailt und nachgehakt. Ein Versuch ist es Wert! Hier mal meine Email, die Ihr gerne als Vorlage verwenden könnt:
QuoteDisplay More"Hi,
I use a Palm Pre and am looking for a stable and usable "on-board-navigation" on the Palm Pre. Like Mobile Navigator for instance! Unfortunately there are no professional solutions available for the platform webOS. I`d love to buy Mobile Navigator if there was a webOS-version!
Porting to webOS is something a company like yours could do with probably not too much effort. The open source project "Navit" (http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Application:Navit) was ported to webOS by basically just 1 person, but it lacks stability, real usability and a lot of features. An independent developer ported his successful iOS-App over to webOS within just 2,5 days (http://www.philhassey.com/blog…14/porting-to-palm-webos/). Even Palm want`s to help iOS-developers to port their apps (http://developer.palm.com/inde…article&id=2034&Itemid=20).
WebOS is the best smartphone OS out there and with HPs marketing strength and the upcoming release of new devices it will get a better marketshare and be a true competitor to iOS and Android. The first navigation solution in the app catalog will be the most successfull. A chance you shouldn`t miss.
PLEASE port Mobile Navigator to webOS. I would be the first to buy it!
..... , Germany
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