Resco Viewer - immer aktuell


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  • Gestern um 22:42 kam die manuell erstellte eMail mit dem neuen
    Freischaltcode (der hat funktioniert). War Antwort auf eine Anfrage
    per Maske auf der Homepage vom 19.10. 2004 abends, also 2 Tage
    Bearbeitungszeit, das ist ja noch ganz in Ordnung.

    Heute Nacht um 2:21 kam bei mr die automatische Benachrichtigung,
    dass es die Version 2.10 gibt. Da scheint jemand heftig Nachtschicht zu
    schieben 8) :)

  • Mein Kauf liegt schon länger als ein Jahr zurück. Resco teilte mir aber mit, dass ich die neue Version zum halben Preis bei pdassi bekommen würde.

    Der genannte Link führt aber zu einer Seite mit dem vollen Preis zu 24,95 EUR. Es gibt noch eine andere pdassi-Seite mit einem Aktionspreis von 19,95 EUR. Aber wo bekommt man die 50%ige Reduzierung? Hat das schon mal jemand durchgezogen?

  • Wollte auch nur kurz mitteilen das nach einem Tag gestern Abend um 21.15 mein neuer Freischaltcode von Alena (Resco) ankam.
    Wenn alles nur so klappen würde.... 8)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by luettmatten

    kommt ganz darauf an wie groß die datei ist und wieviel ram du noch frei hast.

    Datei ist 100KB und hab ewig freien Speicher... selbst meine 3MB großen Digicam Bilder laden net viel langsamer, da stimmt echt was nicht... der mag wohl kein "progressive JPEG"...

  • hiTCH-HiKER

    Schick doch das Bild mal an Resco. Mal sehen was die dazu sagen, oder?

    PDA: Centro + 4GB microSDHC Class6
    NB: HP NX7000
    HANDY: Keines mehr
    Zufrieden? ... zu 100% Alle (Hotsync)-Probleme beseitigt. Der Centro flitzt...

  • Version 2.30
    New features:

    * Copy To function (context menu of the selected image(s))
    * Columns dialog (application menu; replaces context menu of the report header)
    * Global color adjustments (application menu; color change applicable to all images)
    * Select Folder dialog: application menu, hard keys, long tap on the tree button
    * If the viewer closed while an image was opened, it will re-open it at the next start as well. (Does not work if the startup folder is fixed.)

    Beam etc.

    * Preview of the e-mail image attachments works for any image type; the same for beam receive
    * Default viewer registration survives the soft reset.


    * NVFS-related optimizations (mainly icon cache, progressive Jpegs)
    * Faster icon cache
    * Faster folder loading
    * Faster loading of 1/2/4-bit images with palette

    Other news:

    * Improved slideshow transition effects
    * Category sorting
    * One-handed control in the Properties dialog
    * New HW keys function: "Show Full Size"
    * Folders: All folders are shown unless 'Show image folders only' option applies.
    * Faster image scrolling for autorepeat (i.e. if 5way keys are continuously pressed)

  • Many Thanx für den Hinweis...werdichmirgleichinstallieren... :)

    Grüße aus Tirol


    Palm-Vita: Palm Vx - Tungsten|T - Tungsten|T3 - Palm T|X
    ->...und wieder zurück zum T|3...der beste Palm aller Zeiten!

  • Version 2.40.2 | Aug-05-2006

    For those, who took part in the beta testing, the final release was further optimized (mainly app size and loading of large images) and contains a few rather marginal fixes and improvements.
    Visual changes:

    * Nicer GUI
    * Multi-line report mode
    * Splitter drag:
    The sensitive area (distinctly marked) was reduced to minimize conflicts with scrollbars.

    Application control:

    * In one-panel mode you can temporarily open the tree via left arrow, switch to another folder and close the tree via right arrow.
    * New icon state - "focused" introduced. This allows multiselection handling with 5way.
    * New customizable HW key "Long center button" (Key Options dialog). Can be used for example for opening of the context menu.
    * Long tap on the shift indicator (vertical arrow in the title bar) opens menu with select options.

    New settings:

    * General options: Start in Fullscreen (HiRes+)
    * General options: "Disable Double Tap (Viewer)"
    * View options: Added "Initial position" for loaded images

    New standard categories:

    * All (all images on the card or built-in drive),
    * Unfiled (all images that were not assigned to some category)

    Contents of these categories is dynamic, i.e. evaluated each time the folder is opened. Hence, the loading is slower - but it is non-blocking (i.e. can be interrupted at any time).

    * Folder loading 2x faster
    * Large folders: Dramatical improvement in case of sorting by size or date
    * Huge folders with up to 30000 images supported (stress tests for 17000 images done)
    * Loading of large images on NVFS devices substantially improved. (Avoided unrealistic memory requests that may force very long delays in NVFS.)
    * Categories are much faster. However, categories with more than 1000 items do not show file size/date as collecting of these attributes can take too long.
    * Albums can have more images (30000)

    Other News:

    * Image histogram (available from the context menu of an opened image)
    * BMP loader supports more formats
    * Albums can have more images (30000)
    * If you don't have Pocket Tunes, you still can play music during slideshow if your handheld has built-in mp3 player.

    Custom slideshow:

    Slideshow generalization, where you can mix-up images, songs and text in various ways.

    Custom slideshow is treated as an album (a tree node!) and can be copied to another location or to Favorites. Unlike an album, Custom slideshow contains image links, i.e. original images must exist.

    Custom slideshow can be created on a card only and all image/audio files must be located on the same card.

    * Creation
    Select folder, then Main menu > Custom Slideshow. (To include only some images, use multiselection.)
    * Image attributes
    Every image has own attributes: Duration, effect, text notes, audio. Use multiselection to change an attribute for several images at once.
    * Image order
    To move an image use the up/down icons or drag-drop.
    * Text notes
    You can add text to any image. In slideshow, the text will be written over the image.
    * Adding images
    Use CopyTo or drag-drop. Slideshow can contain links to any folder.
    * Text frames
    Press the T icon to add a text slide. Can contain any text that fits one screen.
    * Audio
    You can use one song for the whole slideshow, or use the song for a group of images, or show the image while the song plays.
    * Audio engine/formats:
    You must have either Pocket Tunes (prefered) or built-in Palm player Supported formats: mp3, m3u, ogg, wma, wav (depending on the engine used)

    Removed support for:

    * Old SplashPhoto v3.xx images. (New SplashPhoto format is supported.)
    * Phototake camera

    Reason: Decreasing application size through elimination of seldom used software.

  • Version 2.50 | Jan-27-2007

    Improved Categorize dialog
    Added Delete command.
    Unlike 'Remove from Category' this command uses deep delete, i.e. deletes both the category item (i.e. the link) and the linked image as well.
    Added Edit Categories dialog.
    Provides alternative interface to editing categories via context menu.
    Image editing
    New image command 'Edit Image' can be used to crop/downscale/rotate image.
    Warning: While this command can be used for any images, there is a substantial drawback for low-bit (e.g. B&W) images - the size of the output file will probably grow.

    Other news
    Support for PNG images
    Multibeam support:
    It is possible to select several images and send them at once via BT, IR etc.
    Alternative interface for the context menu:
    Apart from opened image, context menu options are now accessible also via main menu - submenu Actions.

  • Version 2.50.2 | Feb-03-2007

    When Resco Viewer is used as external viewer (ZLauncher, Resco Explorer...):

    * Added possibility to switch to full size preview
    * Preview of multi-page faxes enabled

  • die Version 2.50 hat bei mir auf dem Treo horizontal nur 4 Vorschaubilder.
    In den Screenshots auf der Herstellerseite sind 6 bilder dargestellt.
    [Blocked Image:]
    Ich finde aber nix zum einstellen...

    ciao Haribo

    Sorry, habs gefunden!

    Options >General.. >Appearance > Use Large Icons - deaktivieren

  • Quote

    Original von schelli
    menü - optionen - allgemein - erscheinung - hacken bei "große menübilder" entfernen

    danke, hab auch gerade endeckt gehabt... :)