Es war ein Bug, der im Slipstream 4, der seit gestern auch in deutsch von der Hompegage runtergeladen werden kann, behoben ist.
Hier die Änderungen im Einzelnen:
Fixes and New Features in V-6.0a, s4
New Features in this Release:
Adds support for dialing phone number in contacts record when a linked record is brought up in the List View.
German and Japanese versions now released.
If Enable Buttons In Alarm Dialog is checked, you can now use the third hardware button (counting from the left) to immediately silence the sound and special affects (i.e. turn off vibration/LED flashing). Previously there was no way to stop the vibration/LED Flashing.
New Fixes/Changes in this Release:
Fixes cosmetic display issue in 2nd weekly view whereby 2 pixel rows on top of the bottom row view buttons was not being cleared properly (most noticeable when the shade feature was used and when switching sub-views).
Fixes problem of navigation mode in list view not accessing the New Button.
Fixes new problem introduced in S3 whereby the repeat counts displayed when tapping the repeat icon in the Day View were showing incorrect values.
When switching Databases in split-screen mode, if the split-screen was closed, it could take two presses to open the screen - a side effect of a recent change made to maintain the current status of the split-screen when switching databases (but clearly if the screen was closed, that state should not be maintained!).
The Preference setting to hide past-due ToDo's (by setting the HIDE attribute for Past-Due) is now honored in split-screen mode (previously it was only honored in integrated mode).
If you apply a custom sort to the ToDo database, DateBk6 will now re-sort the database as part of the daily housekeeping (since a custom sort can mean that Todo's change order at midnight due to different treatment of due/past-due/due soon etc.).
Ensures that alarm notification sent to Treo Butler is suppressed for the Floating Advance Time roll-over.