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  • Hallo :)

    Mal wieder was neues vom Entwickler von DateBK aus dem Forum.

    Fazit: Palm stellt sich auf seine Anfragen hin tot - wenn die nicht einmal ihm antworten...naja...habe eh schon ein E71 :D


    Zitat (Quelle Datbk Forum):

    As for a native version on the Pre - I have submitted now at least a dozen
    requests to Palm to get advance technical information on the Pre, but never
    heard a peep out of them - no response, nada.

    I'm disappointed that they don't seem to think there is any value in at
    least TALKING to Palm developers who helped make their device a success in
    the marketplace. Given that we have to all start over again with a system
    that bears no resemblance whatsoever to prior Palm devices, why does Palm
    think that given today's equation:

    Blackberry devices: 35 million
    iPhone: 25 million
    Pre: 0

    That developers are going to be flocking to the Pre.... ??

    CESD, Pimlico Software, Inc.
    . . .