Nova heisst Palm webOS


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  • .. und das neue Device Palm PRE ...

    Details aus dem LiveBlog:
    ''Synergy'' is how it will imntegrate all contacts or other PIM data. Integration on an OS level with Facebook. Contacts list shows someones's Facebook status, Outlook data & Google info
    Still getting used to these names - Palm WebOS and Palm pre
    No drag handles or window panes or X icons to close it. TONS of newness being shown here!
    Drag contacts to the notepad. uses a Mac-esque ''throw away'' action
    Live Demo - there is no save button in this UI, no closeboxes etc... Just cards
    Phenomenal multitasking-not windowd but little cards on the workspace.
    Notes app is absolutrly great looking. uses metaphor of a home message board with pushpins
    No noticable lag in the UI whatsever. and he's using a live device
    The live demo is very impressive so far!
    Talking about gesture area replacing the trafitional ppalm hard buttons. wow again!
    More pics are on the way, uploads are a little slow at the moment so stay tuned for more
    Photo app looks phenomenal with a sidebar-esque panel. wow!
    Oh wow, he's slamming virtual keyboards !! slide down smile qwerty boards. looks like the Trei Pro but in smile layout
    Slide out qwerty keyboard!
    Removable battery, MicroUSB AND NATIVE MASS STORAGE SUPPORT YES! 3.5mm headset jack and the traditional ring/vibrate switch. yes!
    3mp camera with DSP and led flash
    320x480 lcd with multitouch a gesture area under the screen-like the old silkscreened Graffiti area
    BT 2.1 802.11g gps 8gb internally fast TI Omap CPU, their latest cpu
    Palm pre: EvDO - CDMA, WiFi, 8GB storage
    Palm PRE is the new device!
    access anywhere on the web to your data is crucial! this is starting to sound good, guys
    the Palm pre
    Ed: developers no new languages to learn if you're a web developer

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Also, das mit dem Kabel sieht nicht gerade Wireless aus

    Das ist das Stromkabel ... ;)
    ... ne, wahrscheinlich ist TapSmart Handshare schon angepasst ...

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Weitere Details:

    Developers can write html/css/javascrit appplet widgets to run on the desktop. nice.
    Music player looks barebones but functuonal. sorta like newer BlackBerry media players.
    alerts are stashed in the lower right corner...sorta like how facebook handles your alerts. nice. they call this bottom panel the Dashboard.
    OOH incoming texts and alerts and emails roll in at thw atatus bar of the app you are currently in-no nterruptions. Think of the old t3/t5/tx palms but totally overhauled!
    Even on the launcher/desktop your cards rotate automatically and reformat. fantastic!
    discrete pop-op notifications/alerts scroll up from the bottom of the screen

    Even on the launcher/desktop your cards rotate automatically and reformat. fantastic!
    Browser works quite well in landscape mode. NO accelerometer lag like the BB storm. Gesture area handles scrolling in web pages: ''gestures do not impede your reading''. WOW WOW WOW!

    Multiple browser "cards" supported, unlimited
    Browser supports full html and zooming, via multitouch
    Goooge, Maps app & Wikiedia are also linked into the search results. I AM STUNNED. you can find anything on the device or on the web from the launcher. fantastic!
    Web browser looks good, showing google results now. not many details yet but this thing is mostly built on web tech
    Keyboard integration into launcher. Much better than Palm's old Find function

    Gesture activated task switcher
    Cool! in a threaded sms chat, it integrates with aim or facebook or whatever and shows if your char recipient is on or offline. Damn, you can roll a email or instant messaging ap right into a threaded sms chat.
    Now on Instant Messaging (AIM etc). Threaded sms is back and better than ever. Yes!!!
    I have to admit, the whole thing is phenomenal but long-time Palm OS users are gonna have a huge learning curve ahead of 'em. but I think its for the best absolutelty

    Now he's talking about email multitasking, again via cards
    has a ''start typin to start searching emails'' like Vista's Mail app
    Email app is way overhauled from Chatter and VersaMail. you have a single inbox that pulls from all accounts. wow!
    Calendar ''folds'' open time (unused space). good utilization of available screen real estate!
    New calendar app looks nice- much better use of color and good scoll integration. Good implemenntation of overlapping schedules & conficts
    Email being demo'd

  • Hier mal verschiedene Quellen, in denen z.Z. live berichtet wird und es viele tolle Bilder gibt...


    und zum Schluss:
    Waiting for:
    [ulr][/ulr] - still tuned in :)

    Current: Palm III, Hanspring Visor Neo, Sony Clié S320/G, Palm Vx, Palm IIIc, Palm m100, Sony Clié N770C/E, Palm 130, Sony Clié TG50/E, Tungsten C, Tungsten T3, Sony Clié TH55/E1, Palm (CF-)LifeDrive, Palm T|X (und "ein paar" mehr) - meine Lieblinge :love:

  • Genau - daher meine o.a. Infos.
    Mir reicht´s - wo kann ich das bestellen? ;)
    Ja, ich weiss, erst in ... Monaten, oder? Warten wir mal ab.

    Das ist ja cool:

    Touchstone looks like a little slanted hockey puck...
    11:50:25 AM Ryan
    Ohhh its wireless inductive charging. no more bulks cradles. Looks like a hockey puck. the new phone even integrates with touchstone
    11:50:07 AM Kris
    Palm Touchstone - Wireless Inductive Charging systsem
    11:50:07 AM Ryan
    Jon is talking about their new touchstone. I have no idea what it is.

  • Nu kommen die exklusiven Partner:

    Sprint is fully behind Palm's web-centric initiative. Simly Everything plan blah blah blah
    11:56:42 AM Kris
    Sprint propagannda about their great network coverage blah blah blah. nothing about WiMax, obviously.
    Sprint CEO Dan Hesse is now on stage... Sprint will be first with "the pre"
    11:53:01 AM Ryan
    Palm pre is going to launch with Sprint, will likely be an exclusive
    11:52:40 AM Ryan
    Dan Hesse from Sprint is on now. Yuck-no Verizon, no GSM. Why does the next gen phone platform appear on the wal-mart of wireless providers. I feel the lack of a GSM versions isn't going to go over well with the innternational press here seated near us.
    11:52:39 AM Kris
    ed's callling it a ''LifePhone''. this is what the LifeDrive should've been. palm partners on now. SPRINT EXCLUSIVE-UGH!
    11:51:49 AM Kris
    ed is back on. he's got a live device in his hands. nice!

    hubibe: Torsten muss ja mal erst übersetzen ... nicht ganz einfach bei der Nachrichtenfülle.

    Mehrere geöffnete Websites in der "Cardsdarstellung":

    [Blockierte Grafik:]